GLaw Defense nominated and accepted as 10 Best in Colorado
The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys (AIOCLA), has recognized the exceptional work and performance of Colorado’s Criminal Defense Law Firm GLaw Defense for another consecutive year. AIOCLA nominated and accepted GLaw Defense as Two years Best Criminal Law Attorneys for Client Satisfaction.
The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys is an impartial third-party attorney rating organization comprised of 13 divisions consisting of Bankruptcy, Criminal, DUI/DWI, Personal Injury, Family Law, Litigation, Lawsuits & Disputes, Immigration, Workers’ Compensation, Employment & Labor Law, Estate Planning, Military Law, Elder Law and Social Security & Disability Law Division. AIOCLA is an impartial third-party attorney rating service recognizing excellence of fellow practitioners in the field.
The “10 Best” is a prestigious honor for the Attorney as each Attorney must:
Be formally nominated by the Institute, a client, and/or a fellow Attorney;
Have attained the highest degree of professional achievement in his or her field of law; and
Having done so with an impeccable Client Satisfaction rating.
Congratulations GLaw Defense on providing clients with the highest degree of professionalism, and maintaining an impeccable client satisfaction rating.
For Help – Schedule a Free Consultation!
If you or someone you love has been charged with a crime in Colorado, contact one of our experienced Attorneys at (303) 205-8495. Or, schedule a free consultation by clicking the link below.