DUI Laws in Colorado
There are different crimes involved with impaired driving:
1. DUI. Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of alcohol and drugs is known as “DUI.”
2. DWAI. Driving a vehicle while “ability impaired” by alcohol, drugs, or a combination of alcohol and drugs is referred to as “DWAI.”
Penalties for a DWAI in Colorado: Could include up to 2- 180 days in jail + a fine of up to $500 + up to 48 hours of useful public service + 8 DMV points in your license.
3. DUI per se. Operating a vehicle with a BAC (Blood Alcohol Level) over the limit of 0.08% or more.
Penalties for DUI charges in Colorado:
1st Time (Misdemeanor): Up to 1 year in jail + a fine of up to $1000 + up to 96 useful public service + 12 DMV points in your license (license suspension).
2nd Time (Misdemeanor): Minimum of 10 days in jail and up to 1 year in jail + a fine of up to $1500 + up to 120 useful public service + 12 DMV points in your license (license suspension).
3rd Time (Misdemeanor): Minimum of 60 days in jail and up to 1 year in jail + a fine of up to $1500 + up to 120 useful public service + 12 DMV points in your license (license suspension).
4rd or subsequent (Felony): Minimum of 2-6 years Colorado State Prison with 3 years parole + a fine of up to $500,000.
For Help – Schedule a Free Consultation!
If you or someone you love has been charged with a crime in Colorado, contact one of our experienced Attorneys at (303) 205-8495. Or, schedule a free consultation by clicking the link below.