Class 1 Misdemeanor
Up to 364 days in county jail and/or fine up to $1,000
Class 2 Misdemeanor:
Up to 120 days in county jail and/or fine up to $750
* Max consecutive sentence for one case is 24 months
** No extraordinary crimes
Petty Offense
Up to 10 days jail and/or fine of up to $300.00.
Civil Infractions
No jail and up to a $100 fine
Magistrate or county court judge will act as fact finder, call witnesses, ask questions
District Attorney may but not required, to enter to negotiate plea or stip for diversion or deferred judgment
DA does not represent the State
Work Release Sentence
Extends for self-employed, child, or family care
Behavior Health Treatment
May be an alternative to jail
Credit for time served
See C.R.S. §17-26-109
7 days on 30 for good time
3 days on 30 if trustee/work status
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